
SWR & Agricultural Pipes

"The name you can always trust"

Agricultural pipes are specifically designed for underground pressurized applications, which is why they are not UV stabilized. On the other hand, SWR (Soil, Waste, and Rainwater) pipes are commonly exposed to sunlight and therefore are UV stabilized to ensure a longer lifespan.

SWR (Soil, Waste, and Rainwater) pipes are designed for effective drainage and waste management in residential and commercial buildings. These pipes are made from high-quality materials such as PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) and are known for their durability and long-lasting performance.

Agricultural Pipes are specifically designed for underground pressurized applications and do not require UV stabilization. On the other hand, SWR Pipes are primarily exposed to sunlight and are UV stabilized to ensure a longer lifespan.

SWR and Agricultural pipes offer excellent chemical, fire, and corrosion-resistant properties, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. These pipes are manufactured in accordance with ISO 13592 standards and are available with Integrated Ring-fit and Self-fit socket systems for convenient installation.

There are two types of pipes available:

  • Type A pipes are specifically designed for rainwater and rainwater harvesting applications.
  • Type B pipes are used for soil and waste discharge systems.

With their reliable performance and adherence to industry standards, SWR and Agricultural pipes provide effective solutions for water management and waste discharge in various applications.

Features / Benefits

Easy Installation
Cost effective
Longer Life
No Chocking
Leak Proof


75 MM & 110 MM

Products Available

SWR Pipes